Coordinator of Technological Projects (Centro Pi) of IMPA. He has a Post-Doctorate in Additive Manufacturing – (Deakin University Australia – Visiting Professor); Post-Doctorate in 3D Technologies for Museums – National Museum – UFRJ; PhD in Design Products (Royal College of Art – UK); MSc in Production Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ); Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design – UFRJ and Professor at PUC Ri's Post-Graduation

Head Researcher at IMPA and lead scientist at the VISGRAF Laboratory. His academic background includes: BE in Industrial Design from ESDI / UERJ, MS in Computer Graphics from MIT / Media Lab, and Ph.D. in Computer Science4 from the University of Toronto. He was Visiting Director at the National Film Board of Canada, Systems Engineer at Fantastic Animation Machine in New York and Principal Engineer at Rede Globo. He was also visiting professor at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, visiting fellow at HP Laboratories and Microsoft Research.

Full Professor at UFRJ and former director of the National Museum/ UFRJ. Geologist and Paleontologist, he currently coordinates the Digital Image Processing Laboratory at the National Museum/UFRJ. Develops projects in the area of three-dimensional modeling from computed tomography files.

Director of Photography with an award-winning international career. It belongs to the American Society of Cinematographers, Brazilian Association of Cinematography and Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He has been an Adjunct Professor of Cinematography at ArtCenter for eleven years. He is also director of education and professor at ABC Cursos de Cinema. In 2018, he was named one of the top ten film instructors in the United States by Variety Magazine.

Graduated in Industrial Design from PUC-Rio (1997) and Master in Design from PUC-Rio (2020). He is currently a design and computer graphics advisor at Oi Kabum! Lab and works as a freelance designer in the areas of graphic design, motion design and interface design. He was a collaborating professor at PUC-Rio from 2009 to 2021. He has experience in the field of Industrial Design, with an emphasis on Visual Communication and digital media.

Graduated in Industrial Design at PUC-Rio. Specialized in 3D and transition between physical and digital. For 5 years as a researcher and operator of rapid prototyping technologies and capture surfaces and Virtual Reality at the NEXT PUC-Rio laboratory and at the TECGRAF PUC-Rio Institute. He also works on 3D modeling and rendering, as well as programming with Arduino and Gadgeteer physical interfaces, Processing development environment and Unreal Engine.

He holds a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. She is currently assistant scenographer for Rede Globo. Daughter of architects, this allowed her to live with the world of creativity from an early age. He worked on several projects in architecture, urbanism, landscaping and scenography for dramaturgy and shows. In the scenography, he developed several scenarios, The Voice, Superstar, Encontro com Fátima, Zero 1 and others. Creativity, passion, beauty and elegance are the words that are present in these projects.

Graduated in Industrial Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2018). He was a CNPQ fellow at the Institutional Program for Initiation Scholarships in Technological Development and Innovation (PIBITI) in which he was highlighted for his scientific initiation initiation category PIBITI (2018) which dealt with interaction through haptic interfaces. He has experience in 3D Design dealing with surface generation from real world data and new technologies such as haptic interfaces and virtual reality. Over 2 years of experience in User Experience Design (UX/UI).

Graduated in Bachelor of Dance (2018), Bachelor of Dance Theory (2022) and Master in Biomedical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2021). Post graduated in Contemporary Studies in Dance (PPGDan/UFBA) and in Kinesiology, Biomechanics and Strength Training (Universidade Cândido Mendes), she is a doctoral student in Biomedical Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ) and postgraduate student in Laban-Bartenieff System (Faculdade Angel Vianna) . .

PhD student in Archeology (PPGARQ – UFRJ/National Museum), Master in Archeology (PPGARQ – UFRJ/National Museum), Theory of Dance (bachelor's degree – UFRJ). It investigates Indian Performing Arts in a transdisciplinary perspective between Dance, Archeology and South Asian Studies. Creator of the Karaṇa Project, an independent scientific dissemination project focused on the field of Indian Performing Arts and co-organizes the translation of Natyasastra into Portuguese.

PhD in Zoology from the National Museum/UFRJ with specialization in dinosaur biomechanics. He is currently a researcher and technician at the Digital Image Processing Laboratory and professor at the Graduate Program in Geosciences (PPGEO), both at the National Museum/UFRJ. Develops projects with 3D modeling, photogrammetry and digital photography.

Civil servant of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ. His academic background includes: Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial, ESDI/UERJ, master's degree in design from PUC-Rio. He acts as a Visual Programmer at the Digital Image Processing Laboratory/LAPID, developing experimental, unpublished and immersive works involving scientific objects in the areas of Paleontology, Dance and Archaeology, Art and Virtual Reality.